速報APP / 醫療 / In case of Emergency (Crunch)

In case of Emergency (Crunch)





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:S2, Hanifa Illam, 18/36, Alagiri street, Alandur, Chennai-16.

In case of Emergency (Crunch)(圖1)-速報App

Adds an "Emergency Info" button to your lock screen. Tapping the button shows all your emergency information. This puts very important information at the hands of the first responders, paramedics and hospital stafff, in case of an emergency.

Unlike other apps, it doesn't replace your lock screen. It just adds a movable button to your lock screen, which you can place wherever you want.

Use case scenarios:

1. During an emergency. First responders and paramedics can know about your conditions and other life-saving crucial information, right from your lock screen.

2. Adventure sports like biking, mountain climbing, etc. Install the app and it gives you that extra peace of mind.

In case of Emergency (Crunch)(圖2)-速報App

3. Visiting a doctor: When you visit a doctor, you can just show them your conditions, the medications that you are taking, and your allergies.


1. Store your profile - your name, picture, date of birth, identification number.

2. Who to call - emergency contacts - call directly from the lock screen

3. Medical data - blood group, known conditions, allergies, medications

In case of Emergency (Crunch)(圖3)-速報App

